Do not know what to make
DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO MAKE Do not know what to make You have stared at me With the same adore I have looked at you So why is it…
DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO MAKE Do not know what to make You have stared at me With the same adore I have looked at you So why is it…
CONDUCT ME THRU HEAVEN Conduct me thru heaven Carry me to glory Holding me in our arms Taking me forever Let me sense your hide The warmth of your body…
A DASH OF TIME A dash of time Is all I need? To convert you into my slave Eternally… A dart of time Of sharing our space Is what I…
ARE YOU UPSET AT ME? Are you upset at me? Maybe disgusted? I have not heard from thee Since my declaration, Confession of love And affection, Does it trouble you…
BRIMMING LOVE Brimming love Where are you? Do you think I can subsist? Without you at all Love of me Where have you been? Now that I need you More…
DO YOU MISS ME? Do you miss me? The way I miss you Do you think of me? The way I think of you. Was your love declaration A feeling…
PARA BEA Quererte me duele Por tu prolongada ausencia.. Nunca se donde estas Ni por que atraviesas Aunque tenga curiosidad De tu vida interna ¿Qué transcurre en ti, Que hoy…
No importa la crisis que atravezemos Tampoco las turbulencias del tiempo O los huracanes que emergen Ni las estrellas de la luna nueva Desaparen las glorias vividas Desvanecen triumfos alcanzados…
VIDA PERRA Noche de vientos Abruptos, inesperados Cacheteantes… Turno de brisas… Violentas, imprevistas Que de pronto aparecen Cuan sorpresa que no existe. Sacudiendo los cimientos De vida cotidiana Alterando equilibrios…
PARA LOS AMIGOS QUE SIEMPRE ESTÁN Tú eres la fuerza que me dispara Para seguir luchando hacia el frente Sin dejarme doblegar Por aquellos enemigos, silenciosos…presentes…. Que no cuentan los…